liblightmodbus 3.0
A lightweight, header-only, hardware-agnostic Modbus RTU/TCP library
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cllm::GeneralErrorGeneral error exception class
 Cllm::RequestErrorRequest error exception class
 Cllm::ResponseErrorResponse error exception class
 Cllm::MasterRepresents a Modbus master device
 CModbusBufferStores a Modbus frame
 CModbusDataCallbackArgsArguments for the data callback
 CModbusErrorInfoRicher error represenation - source and type of error
 CModbusMasterMaster device status
 CModbusMasterFunctionHandlerAssociates Modbus function ID with a pointer to a response parsing function
 CModbusRegisterCallbackArgsContains arguments for the register callback function
 CModbusRegisterCallbackResultContains values returned by the slave register callback
 CModbusSlaveSlave device status
 CModbusSlaveFunctionHandlerAssociates Modbus function ID with a pointer to a parsing function
 Cllm::SlaveRepresents a Modbus slave device