liblightmodbus  2.0
A lightweight, cross-platform Modbus RTU library
Basic usage

If you want to get started with liblightmodbus, you should probably start here. This page shows basic usage of the library and assumes you have a working copy of it.

If you don't, see Building liblightmodbus or download a development package from the PPA.

The library consists of two independent parts. One contains all functions related with slave's tasks and the other functions related with master's tasks.

Slave side

The most important structure type on the slave side is ModbusSlave which represents slave device's status and configuration. A pointer to such structure is passed to all the slave-related functions.


In order to get started, you need to allocate some space for your slave's registers and coils. Two arrays will do just fine:

uint16_t regs[16]; //16 holding registers
uint8_t coils[4]; //32 coils

Next, the slave structure has to be initialized:

//Tell the library where registers and coils are
slave.registers = regs;
slave.registerCount = 16;
slave.coils = coils;
slave.coilCount = 32;
//We don't have any input registers or discrete inputs
//Setup slave's address
slave.address = 54;
assert( modbusSlaveInit( &slave ) == MODBUS_OK );

Note the modbusSlaveInit call. This is the function that actually initializes the structure for use. It shall be called before any other library function is used on the structure

Processing requests

Processing incoming requests is done using modbusParseRequest function. However, before calling it, the request needs to be loaded to ModbusSlave::request. Please see the example below.

uint8_t length;
uint8_t frame[256];
//Get the incoming frame somehow
read_from_serial_somehow( &frame, &length );
//Pass the frame to the library
slave.request.frame = frame;
slave.request.length = length;
err = modbusParseRequest( &slave );
//It is acceptable for slave to throw exceptions
assert( err == MODBUS_OK || err == MODBUS_ERROR_EXCEPTION );

This code causes the library to process the incoming request. Afterwards, the response from ModbusSlave::response needs to be send back to master device.

int i;
for ( i = 0; i < slave.response.length; i++ )
serial_send_somehow( slave.response.frame[i] );

Cleaning up

After you're done using the library, don't forget to clean up. You should call modbusSlaveEnd on your slave structure.

Master side

The most important structure type on the master side is ModbusMaster which represents master device's status and configuration (like ModbusSlave on the slave side). A pointer to such structure is passed to all the master-related functions.


Unlike on save side, there's nothing more to be done apart from initializing the master structure with modbusMasterInit.

ModbusMaster master;
assert( modbusMasterInit( &master ) == MODBUS_OK );

Forming requests

Request frames can be generated using modbusBuildRequest** functions. After each successful call, the new request frame will be written to ModbusMaster::request.

//Write 678 to 7th register of slave 54
assert( modbusBuildRequest( &master, 54, 7, 678 ) == MODBUS_OK );
for ( i = 0; i < master.request.length; i++ )
serial_send_somehow( master.request.frame[i] );

Parsing responses

The modbusParseResponse function does the response parsing job on the master side. It needs to have the response frame provided in ModbusMaster::response. After successful parsing, the incoming data will be available in ModbusMaster::data structure. If the slave had returned an exception, the exception details will be available in the ModbusMaster::exception structure.

uint8_t length;
uint8_t frame[256];
//Get the incoming frame somehow
read_from_serial_somehow( &frame, &length );
//Pass the frame to the library
master.response.frame = frame;
master.response.length = length;
err = modbusParseResponse( &master );
if ( err == MODBUS_OK )
//Use the data
//see ModbusMaster::data
else if ( err == MODBUS_ERROR_EXCEPTION )
//Use the exception information
printf( "slave threw an exception - %d\n", master.exception.code );
//Handle the other errors
//see ModbusError

Cleaning up

After you're done using the library, don't forget to clean up. You should call modbusMasterEnd on your master structure.


Please see the contents of the examples directory.